- Title I Parent Involvement Policy
- Title I Federal Compliance Notices
- Parent Participation in Title I Programs
Title I Parent Involvement Policy
The Lisbon EVSD Title I Program exists to provide supplemental services for qualifying students until they are able to meet and exceed the standards set forth by the state. The Title I program goal is to improve academic achievement and implement all statutory requirements. The Title I Parent Involvement goal is to plan and conduct programs, activities, and procedures that increase parental involvement with the meaningful consultation of parents. This policy states the opportunities for full participation of all parents and community members to ensure a meaningful partnership.
General Expectations:
- The District will conduct surveys using various means to design strategies that engage parents in ways to improve student performance at school, support student learning at home, and general parent practices.
- The District will hold an annual meeting for parents of students in Title I schools to discuss the Title I school plan, review implementation of the plan, and invite suggestions for improvement.
- Parents are encouraged to play an integral role in assisting their child’s learning at home and in school.
- Parents will be included in Title I decisions about how funds for parental involvement are spent.
- The Title I Director will provide coordination, technical assistance and other necessary support to assist participating schools with parent/community involvement programs and practices.
The Lisbon EVSD will take the following actions to involve parents in the joint development of its district Title I Parent Involvement Policy:
- An established District Parent Advisory Council made up of parents will meet throughout the school year at flexible times to develop, evaluate, and revise, as needed, this policy annually.
- The District will conduct, with the involvement of the District Parent Advisory Council, an annual evaluation of the content and effectiveness of this policy and examination of student and school performance. This evaluation will also specifically address barriers to greater participation by parents, particularly those who are economically disadvantaged, have limited English proficiency, limited literacy, and are any racial or ethnic minority background.
- Copies of the Title I District Parent Involvement Policy will be distributed to all parents in all Title I schools, made available at the District’s Resource Parent Center, and on the District’s website.
- Schools will develop a School Compact/Agreement that outlines how parents and school staff will share responsibilities for student academic achievement and how the school and parents will build a strong partnership.
The Lisbon EVSD will take the following actions to provide two-way, regular and meaningful home school communication:
- Parents will be notified of Title I services in the fall of each school year.
- Communication of all key programs, activities, and school progress will be provided in a timely manner.
- Communication sent to parents will be provided in a format and language that parents can understand, to the extent possible.
- Title I schools will provide monthly newsletters with school information and events.
- The District’s website will provide regular updated information as it relates to Title I services, Parent Center programs and, parenting resources.
The Lisbon EVSD will take the following actions to build capacity for strong parent involvement in schools to improve student academic achievement and school performance:
- Parents will receive assistance with understanding the federal and state educational goals, state content and student performance standards, assessments, and working with educators.
- Opportunities for parents to learn about child development and child rearing, as appropriate and feasible will be provided.
- Literacy training to assist parents in working with their children will be provided.
- Parent volunteers and parental support will be sought out and welcomed.
- Volunteers for translation services will be solicited when appropriate and feasible.
The Lisbon EVSD will take the following actions to involve parents in school decision-making, advocacy and to work with parents as full partners in the decisions that affect student learning:
- Parents will be solicited to serve on school improvement teams, family engagement teams, and other appropriate school teams.
- Parents will be given an opportunity for involvement with the District Parent Advisory Council.
- Task Force may be established to address specific areas of concern as needed.
- Training will be provided for parents serving on school teams and other committees.
The Lisbon EVSD will take the following actions to collaborate with communities to strengthen family engagement and build parental efficacy for the purpose of supporting student learning:
- Parent Centers will be maintained needed communities.
- Parent Centers provide access to community resources and provide opportunities for community agencies to present appropriate resources.
- Resource libraries will be maintained with the inclusion of materials from community-based organizations and businesses providing parental involvement activities and information.
For questions or comments regarding Title 1 and other Federal Programs, contact the Coordinator of Federal Programs, Dan Kemats at 330.424.9869.
Title 1
Federal Compliance Notices
Compliance Officer
The Human Resource Director is the District’s Section 504 Compliance Officer/ADA Coordinator (“Compliance Officer”). The Compliance Officer is responsible for coordinating the District’s efforts to comply with and fulfill its responsibilities under Section 504 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”).
A copy of the Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act, including copies of their implementing regulations, may be obtained from the Compliance Officer. The Compliance Officer, Keith Edenfield, can be reached at 330.424.3215 or email at keith.edenfield@omeresa.net.
Homeless Coordinator
Certain rights and protections contained in the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act are assured to families who find themselves in a homeless situation which is defined by the following living situations:
- In a shelter, motel , vehicle, or campground
- On the street
- In an abandoned building, trailer, or other inadequate accommodations
- Doubled up with friends, or relatives because you cannot find or afford housing
For help or assistance at Lisbon EVSD please call our Homeless coordinator, Dan Kemats at 330.424.9869 or email at dan.kemats@omeresa.net.
If you need further assistance, call the National Center for Homeless Education at the toll- free Helpline number: 1. 800.308.2145
Federal Assistance Projects
Lisbon EVSD participates in federal projects in the areas of special education (Flow- thru- Part B IDEA, IDEA Preschool Grant, Title I (No Child Left Behind), Title IIA (Improving Teacher Quality). Each year the District receives funds to provide staff and supplies for the education of the handicapped, for students who need intervention services in the areas of reading and mathematics, for preschool education for the handicapped and to provide professional development for teachers and other staff.
If you wish to comment or provide input into how the funds are being used, you may contact the Coordinator of Federal Programs, Dan Kemats at 330.424.9869 or email at dan.kemats@omeresa.net.
Title I Parents Right To Know
In accordance with the requirement of Federal law, as a schoolwide Title 1 district, the Lisbon EVSD shall make sure that all parents in the school are notified that they may request, and the Board will provide the following information on the student’s classroom teachers:
A. Whether the teacher(s) have met the State qualification and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas they are teaching;
B. Whether the teacher(s) is teaching under any emergency or provisional status in which the State requirements have been waived;
C. The undergraduate major of the teacher(s) and the area of study and any certificates for any graduate degrees earned;
D. The qualifications of any paraprofessional(s) providing services to their child(ren):
In addition the parents will be provided:
a. Information on the level of achievement of their child(ren) on the required State academic assessments;
b. Timely notice if the student is assigned to a teacher who is not highly qualified for more than four (4) weeks.
Nondiscrimination in Education
The Board of Education declares it to be the policy of this District to provide an equal opportunity for all students, regardless of race, color, creed, disability, age, religion, gender, ancestry, national origin, place of residence within the boundaries of the district or social or economic background, to learn through the curriculum offered in this district.
If any person believes that the Lisbon EVSD or any of the District’s staff has inadequately applied the principles and/or regulations of (1) Title II, VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, (2) Title IX of the Education Amendment Act of 1972, (3) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, (4) The Age Act, and (5) The Americans with Disabilities Act, s/he may bring forward a complaint, which shall be referred to as a grievance, to the district’s Civil Rights Coordinator, The Human Resource Director.
Inquiries concerning the nondiscriminatory policy may be directed to Director, Office of Civil Rights, Department of Education, Washington, D. C. 20201.
The District’s coordinator, on request, will provide a copy of the District’s grievance procedure and investigate all complaints in accordance with this procedure.